Sustainability and Climate Change

At Himly we are committed to the Net Zero agenda, a global initiative to achieve net-zero carbon emissions by 2050.

This means reducing greenhouse gas emissions to a level where they are offset by the removal of an equivalent amount from the atmosphere. This includes supporting the decarbonisation of energy sources and reducing energy demand.

We quantify greenhouse gas emissions along the whole lifecycle of the elements that make up the built environment and ensure that these emissions are minimised while projects remain financially viable. We consider circular economy principles, sustainable construction materials, and technologies to minimise waste and maximise efficiency.

We at Himly quantify solutions such as heat networks, heat pumps, renewable energy generation and sustainable design and construction. By doing so, we contribute to the sustainable development of our society and planet. Sustainable development is the process of meeting the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. We believe that Net Zero is not only a necessity but also an opportunity to create a better world for everyone.

Climate change adaptation involves recognising the impacts of climate change, both those already seen in the UK and elsewhere as well as those expected over coming years.

At Himly we ensure that further actions are implemented that meet or exceed government policy while project remain financially viable.

We take a holistic approach to climate change adaptation by responding to the risks and opportunities associated with climate change. This includes making land more resilient to climate change, safeguarding water supply and recovering and conserving nature. When implementing standards such as the ones in the Green Infrastructure Framework, we at Himly not only consider the amount of green cover in urban residential areas but also the potential tranquillity provided by those green areas considering elements such as sound perception and cultural heritage.